Michigan Music Teachers Association

Semi-Finals Registration

Welcome, and congratulations on your student’s success at advancing to the semifinals!  
Semi-finalists will compete by video recording this year. The instructions are below:
  1. Make PDF copies of your student’s three pieces. Please save as three separate files.
  2. Record your student’s three pieces on a high quality cell phone or camera, without stopping, as if they are playing in person for a judge.
  3. Upload the video to YouTube and select private as a choice of who can see the video. (Click on the link in blue for instructions)
  4. Copy the link to the video
  5. After you have completed the video recording and created the pdf’s, go to the MMTA website and log in.
  6. Go to member resources on the website and navigate down to semifinals.
  7. Click on the Google form for your district and register for the semifinals.
  8. After registering, you should receive a confirmation email generated by the Google form.
  9. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Hohmeyer or  Gerardo Ascheri (Jim.hohmeyer@gmail.com or  gercelasch@gmail.com)

At the end of the competition, the performers chosen as finalists will be notified by email.

The deadline to submit application and video and PDF is April 18. The finalists will be announced on April 27. 
Th MMTA Finals Day will be on May 10 at the MSU College of Music. 

Jim Hohmeyer and Gerardo Ascheri


Please fill out both Registration Form AND select a payment option:

  1. Payment by ZELLE: mmtafinance@gmail.com ($40/student)
  2. Payment by Check ($40/student) to: 
    David Husser, MMTA Treasurer
    220 W Seventh Street
    Traverse City, MI 49684
  3. Payment ONLINE ($41.31/student):