Michigan Music Teachers Association
Michigan Music Teachers Association (MMTA) is a state affiliate of Music Teachers National Association (MTNA).
Michigan membership is activated when joining MTNA.
Why you should join MTNA & MMTA
Dues Schedule
Whether you are a seasoned professional or new teacher, membership in Music Teachers National Association can complement your professional life. Since 1876, MTNA has been the undisputed leader in empowering the music-teaching professional.
MTNA serves as a “clearinghouse” for busy professionals, giving its members pertinent, important information and programs. As an MTNA member, you will associate with the very best in the profession from throughout the United States, and you will have access to many networking, leadership, mentoring and educational opportunities.
MTNA also provides programs for students of all ages and levels of ability-the budding young artist, the everyday student or an older recreational music maker. MTNA Membership also include state membership. Michigan Music Teachers Organization [MMTA] is an affiliate of MTNA.
Join between July 1 and December 31: FULL FEE
Join between January 1 and June 30 (new members only): HALF OFF
In addition to your national and state membership, consider joining a local MMTA chapter to network with teachers in your area! Local membership is encouraged but not required. See our Local Associations page to find an affiliated organization near you.
Benefits of MMTA Membership
MTNA Membership
MTNA members receive exclusive discounts and resources and subscription to the American Teacher Magazine.
Local Associations
Network with local music professionals, attend professional development events and participate in local student events.
Member Resources
Information related to MMTA membership, resources on competitions and member support.
Annual State Conference
Annual State conference is an opportunity to learn, network, relax, and rejuvenate.
Student Events
Both competitive and non-competitive performance opportunities are available.
Student Achievement Testing
Annual testing for students in grades K-12 and adults to complete in various areas.

MTNA Membership includes membership at the Nation, State, and Local Association Levels. Each Local Association is its own organization with specific membership fees. MMTA Membership types are available for your review below.
Active Member
Active members are invited to participate in all MMTA activities, to vote and to hold office. MTNA National membership dues are $101.00 and MMTA membership dues are $47.00. Contact your local association and see the chart below for membership fees.

Are you an active music professional who would like to broaden your network with other professionals in the music field? Join MMTA today to receive support from other music professionals. Become a better teacher through connecting, mentoring, performing, presenting, and through access to educational opportunities and more.
Active Membership
Membership includes National, State & Local
Collegiate Member
Collegiate members do not have the right to vote, to hold office, or to enter students in MTNA/MMTA Competitions. MTNA National Collegiate membership dues are $19.00 and MMTA collegiate membership dues are $15.00.

Are you a college student who is looking to start a career in the music field? Join MMTA today to take advantage of all the member benefits at a reduced price, and start networking with other music professionals NOW!
Collegiate Membership
Membership includes National, State & Local
Senior Member
For individuals over 70, your MTNA senior membership dues are $75.75 and MMTA senior membership dues are $22.50. Contact your local association and see the chart below for membership fees.

Are you a long standing member of MMTA for more than 10 years and are over age 70? You qualify for Senior Membership rates and we encourage you to stay with MMTA, where you can keep sharing your experience and serve as mentors to younger music professionals. We would love to have your support.
Senior Membership
Membership includes National, State & Local
Nonresident Member
Nonresident Members do not have the right to vote, to hold office, or to enter nonresident students in MMTA Competitions. MMTA nonresident membership dues are free, but please consider supporting MMTA by making a donation. For reference, the current active membership fee is $47.

Are you a music professional who has moved out of state and would like to stay in touch? We welcome you to participate in all MMTA activities upon payment of registration fees to stay connected with your music colleagues.
Nonresident Membership
Membership includes National, State & Local
Associate Member
Associate Members do not have the right to vote, to hold office, or to enter students in MMTA Competitions. MMTA associate membership dues are free, please consider a small donation to support our organization.

Are you simply a music lover who would like to support the music activities in our community? We welcome you to participate in all MMTA activities upon payment of registration fees to support our music professionals.
Associate Membership
Membership includes National, State & Local
$45.00 or $30.00 for 65+ | https://www.a2pianoteachers.com/
$40.00 | https://laptf.org/