Michigan Music Teachers Association
Student Achievement Testing
Student Achievement Testing
Please connect with your Local Association for additional info on testing.
Attention teachers: To find SAT Handbook documents and past tests, please go to Member’s Resources, log in then SCROLL DOWN to SAT Piano Handbook & Tests. You must be logged in to access documents.
If you are already logged in – please navigate to https://michiganmusicteachers.org/private/ *If this link takes you to home page, please navigate to Member Resources, log in, then Scroll down to SAT Piano Handbook & Tests.
Please review frequently asked questions regarding Student Achievement Testing below. Click on questions for further info.

SAT Questions
Student Achievement Testing is an annual testing opportunity provided to Michigan students grades K through 12 studying with an MMTA member teacher. The program is a voluntary project of MMTA.
The program is designed for Piano, String, Voice, and Woodwind instruments. All requirements are published in the various individual instrument Student Achievement Testing Handbooks.
The testing consists of five parts: Performance, Theory, Technique, Sight-Reading/Transposition, and Aural Awareness.
Growth realized in preparing for the Student Achievement Tests is invaluable. It encourages a sense of accomplishment in meeting goals while developing commitment and self-discipline.
Students of MMTA members who have paid their annual dues by November 1 of the current school year can participate in the testing program.
It takes place in the spring each year, usually during the month of March depending upon the local site. Testing is held by individual Local Affiliated Chapters at 20 venues throughout the state.
Yes, a fee is required to participate in the program each year. The fee covers the cost of the test and curriculum printing, rental of facilities and equipment, performance judges, and certificates and trophies.
Each new MMTA member is sent a Student Achievement Handbook for the teaching area(s) they listed when joining MMTA. It is suggested that these handbooks be placed in protective sheets or laminated so they will last.
The new 2017 Handbook and corresponding resources are available online for members only and upon login. Please look at “Member’s Resources” and 2017 NEW PIANO HANDBOOK.
For a replacement handbook, contact our Membership Chair, David Keep. Each replacement Handbook for any instrument is available for $30.