Michigan Music Teachers Association
Concerto Competition
MMTA Annual Concerto Competition
May 17, 2025 at Michigan State University
Registration deadline is April 1, 2025
MMTA Annual Concerto Competition
Auditions are open to any student through Grade 12 studying any instrument, including voice, with a teacher who is a member of MMTA. Students of non-members are accepted (see special fees below). Students who have won first place in any division may not compete again until they have reached the next division of the competition.
There are four divisions in the competition:
Division I (grades 1–3)
Division II (grades 4–6)
Division III (grades 7–9)
Division IV (grades 10–12)

Contestants will perform by memory one complete movement of a concerto from standard repertoire with orchestra reduction. Singers will perform two arias. Double concertos are allowed in this competition. This includes: two pianos with orchestra reduction, two other instruments such as violin with orchestra reduction. A piece composed for any solo instrument with an orchestra will be accepted as well. For example, Saint Saen’s Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 28. The one movement rule and memory also applies to this piece. Please fill out an application for each contestant for a double concerto.
Each contestant must provide his/her own accompanist. The accompanist’s name must appear on this form. The accompanist may not be changed after the registration is submitted. Teachers who have students participating in the competition may not serve as an accompanist for their student or any student in the competition. ACCOMPANISTS MAY NOT PLAY FOR MORE THAN 4 STUDENTS DUE TO SCHEDULING ISSUES.
Time limits for each Division are as follows: Division I, 12 min; Division II, 15 min; Division III, 17 min; Division IV, 20 min; The first place winners of each division will be invited to perform for the MMTA Fall Conference. Plaques will be awarded to the top three contestants in each division. First place prizes will be awarded in the following amounts: Division IV $250.00, Division III $200.00, Division II $120.00, Division I $100.00. Entry fees are listed below. Late applications cannot be accepted.
Teachers, not parents, are responsible for sending applications to the chairman and for any communication with the chairman. Please do not give chairman’s email or phone numbers to parents or students. Thank you.
Teachers will be notified regarding the performance time of their students ten (10) days before the competition. All students must arrive one (1) hour before their performance time. Please notify the chairman if you will be out of town at this time and to whom you would like the notification sent. No time requests can be honored. No changes will be given after times have been given to teachers . All students, parents, teachers and the accompanists must leave these very important days open until the teacher receives the time slot. If the accompanist is playing for someone else at this time, then it will be the teacher to help the student warm up, or the student will warm up by himself/herself. Family members can wait in the reception area until their student plays. If the student is age 8 or younger one parent may accompany them to the warm-up room.the
Please fill out both Registration Form AND select a payment option.
Registration fees for:
Division I $45
Division II and III $50
Division IV $55
Non-member $75
- Payment by ZELLE: mmtafinance@gmail.com
- Payment by Check to MMTA:
David Husser, MMTA Treasurer
220 W Seventh Street
Traverse City, MI 49684 - Payment Online w/processing fees as listed below:
Division I ($46.41)
Division II and III ($51.52)
Division IV ($56.62)
Non-member ($77.02)