Exploring Career Pathways in Music
An Interactive Webinar with Six Music Professionals -- Sponsored by Michigan Music Teachers Association
Friday, February 2, 2024 | 11:30am-1:00pm
This panel discussion will provide high school and college students, parents, and teachers an opportunity to learn more about careers in music. Attendees will be able to ask questions of professionals about their lives and jobs in various fields of music including serving as a college professor, independent teacher, performer, collaborative pianist, church musician, music therapist, composer, arranger, entrepreneur, etc. We will also briefly cover the resources available at MMTA, should they choose to join a professional organization during and after college.
Have a question for our panelists? Send it to us below!
Our Panelists:
Sookkyung Cho is Associate Professor of Piano at Grand Valley State University and Founder/Artistic Director of Grand Valley Piano Chamber Series. She holds a D.M.A. and B.M. from Juilliard, and a M.M. from Peabody.
Elizabeth Nonnenmacher is a pianist and church musician based in Northwest Ohio. She has been teaching piano lessons to pre-college students for over 40 years. She also has served as Music Director for several churches, fulfilling duties as pianist, organist, and choral director.
Brianna Matzke hails from Cincinnati, where she serves as Associate Professor at Wilmington College. She is President/CEO of the International Foundation for Contemporary Music and specializes in the commissioning and performance of new works.
Jonathan Roberts is the owner and director of the South Shore Piano School in the Boston area. He also serves as president of the Massachusetts Music Teachers Association and as an examiner for the Royal Conservatory of Music.
Chrissy Ricker is a piano teacher, composer, and arranger from North Carolina. She has published over 40 collections of educational piano music for students. Chrissy is also a “Signature Artist” for the online music retailer Musicnotes, where she has arranged hundreds of popular titles for pianists at all levels.
Alisha Snyder has a bachelor of arts from Calvin University, a Masters in Music Therapy from Western Michigan University, and has maintained a piano studio for over 25 years. She currently volunteers at the local, state, and regional/national level for a variety of music therapy and music teacher organizations.
Questions? Contact Joy Morin (joymorinpiano@gmail.com) or Emily Suszko (suszkopiano@gmail.com).